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2 Ways Intubation, Feeding Tube (NG or NJ Tube), and / or NICU Time Affects Milestone Development

Birth Trauma and Cranial Developments

Birth Trauma can be a variety of things:

  • Intubation
  • Feeding Tube (NG or NJ Tube)
  • NICU Time
  • and more

When a child experiences a birth trauma that interrupts their cranial movements, developmental delays can occur. 


Because these types of birth trauma can cause two types of jams in the cranial system. 

First, is an ATLAS JAM

Your child may be struggling with things like:

  • Head control
  • Eating
  • Swallowing
  • Hates tummy time
  • Not rolling over

The head needs to be able to counter all the movements in the spine, and when there is an atlas jam, it can't; therefore key transitional movements patterns can not occur. 

Why Are Transitional Movement Patterns Important?

Transitional Movement Patterns are what should happen in a person's body between each of the "baby milestones" that you know.

These are not all of the established milestones given by the CDC, but here are just a few:

  • Head lift
  • Tummy time
  • Head control
  • Rolling
  • ...
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How to Improve Leg Movements and Function - Before and After & Leg Comparison

*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see the disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here
🤔Have you ever wondered while doing Movement Lesson IF YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT?
🤔Then your next thought is WHAT AM I DOING!? WHAT AM I HELPING?
The key to success 👍 with this modality is having gentle rotational touch, and even if your touch is mediocre you can still create good changes in a person's movements if you touch with rotation.
Another thing to understand about this modality is that the 🎯goal is to create functional movements in the body, so even when you don't know what you are doing, and you are experimenting, if you have gentle rotational touch, yo...
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Tools for Feeling Successful as a Special Needs Parent

Want to see your child progress, gain independence, and experience healthy developmental movements?

As a special needs parent, it's easy to wonder if I am doing everything I can to help my special needs kids experience healthy development. 
4 years ago I never thought I would be seeing my 4 1/2 year old doing this!
4 years ago I never thought I would learn a skill set that would bless all the lives of all my children, typical and atypical.

I Want to Be a Good Mom and  Good Caregiver for My Special Needs Children.

I want to be a good mom and a good caregiver, and YOU KNOW AS A PARENT how feeling successful in that area of life changes on a day-to-day basis.
The question is, "How do I be a good mom and a good caregiver?"
I don't have all the answers, and despite my inadequacies, I found something that has helped me feel more accomplished in those roles.
No, I am not perfect at it, but I have learned how I can influ...
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Is My Baby At Risk for Autism? Yes or No - 10 Signs in Babies for Early Detection of Autism Risk

Autism in Babies

These babies are not at risk for autismWhy? Watch the video and look closely can you see these three things? 
1 - Belly Bump hug. They are able to greet with their bellies. Pubic bone strike and belly crossing midline to their target. A development that starts with proper rolling over.
2- Vision - not only do these guys have eye contact, but they also have peripheral vision. They ‘work’ the room.
3- Balance - they are not concerned about their space, up and down, as they mingle around each other.

10 Signs in Babies for Early Detection of Autism Risk


If you are feeling concerned for your child's development, always talk to your Pediatrician. 

While you are working with your doctor there are early intervention techniques you can start now to improve your child's developmental path.


5 specific ways autism in manifest in movement explained:


You want to be a good parent and caregiver. 

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Why a Baby Needs to Learn Balance and Counterbalance - Super Baby Secret #8

What does it mean when I say, "It's important for you baby to learn how to move?"

Many babies learn movement naturally, but when a baby's movements are restricted due to too much swaddling,  too much car seat time, etc.; or due to premature delivery, NICU time, or a child's condition or disease.

The baby misses out on important, natural, movement experiences that aren't even on the milestone charts used by Doctors and Pediatricians. 

These natural movement experiences are crucial for your child experiencing the most natural development they are capable of, typical or atypical. 


In a baby, there is no such thing as a bad movement.

So the question is, why is your baby moving like he or she is? 

How do you know if your baby's movements are natural or telling you that you need to be concerned? 

That's where Movement Lesson™ comes in.

You can know from day one if you need to be really concerned, moderately concerned, or mildly concerned about your child movements and what...

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Is Crying Good For Baby's Lungs? - Is It Good for Babies to Cry?

Super Baby Secret #6: Every Super Baby needs a healthy, strong cry.


Super Baby Secret #7: "Crying is a Babys' Language for Needs, Hunger, Sleep, and Comfort"


Crying in Babies 

"The human body uses all forms of kinetic energy in rotation or in/out organization."
"The sudden thrust of gravity and intake of oxygen is equal by the release of gases immediately upon birth.
"One of the most obvious examples of this in neonate’s processes is the act of crying.
"The assumption that the initial organization of sound is for the communication of hunger, sleep, and soiling creates a false security of infant intelligence that is not capable of a response.
"Just the act of exhibiting various levels of sound is a crucial indicator of movement for action in later life as seen in power spectrum density curve using Welch’s method, which is used for calculating the power of a signal-like sound at varying frequencies [16].
"At one year of age, children wh...
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Home Exercises I Can Do for Special Needs - Alternative Solutions To or With Your Current Therapy

📣 🎊This is What Can Happen with Consistent and Daily practice of Movement Lesson in Your Home. 🎊 📣

Up until a month ago, to help my daughter be upright and "walking"🚶‍♀️, it required someone to hold her and crouch over while she moved her legs in a walking motion.
Life started out pretty rough for her, and bandaids and syringes were her play toys because they were light enough for her to pick up, hold, and play with.


Movement Lesson™ Offers Hope for Your Child's Progress and Development

👀This is something I never expected to see.👀

I knew that because of Movement Lesson, her body had the movement input of walking. 


Here is a video of her first time in the walker and playing the piano on her own. 


It's been 4 years since I started ML with my daughter.
When she got in this walker and took off like she had been doing it all of her life, and because of Movement Lesson she had been.
The actual movements children ...
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SPML, SPML Surgery - Before and After Care - Clinic and Home Exercises

SPML - Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening

SPML is a surgical procedure that aims to lengthen certain muscles, or to reduce tone in the muscles.



  • Before/After - SPML and Movement Lesson
  • SPML and Movement Lesson Care
  • Testimonial from Mom
  • Day 1-14 Post SPML Surgery - Clinical Care Exercises
  • SPML + Movement Lesson™ Success!
  • 4 Weeks Post-SPML Surgery - Jumping on the Trampoline
  • SPML Question by Parent
  • SPML Answer by Michelle Turner, Movement Specialist
  • SPML Response by Parent and Movement Lesson Practitioner, Savithri
  • Did You Know This About SPML and Posture?


BEFORE/AFTER - SPML and Movement Lesson


SPML and Movement Lesson Care 

Here is a wonderful, seven-year-old boy before and after his SPML surgery. 
He came to the Movement Lesson clinic for a three-week intensive prior to his surgery. That resulted in him only needing the left leg done with a cast.
The right leg needed just a little.
After SPML he came back
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Typical vs Atypical Child Development


From the first few days of life, you can identify where a child does and does not cross midline.

When a child lacks midline crossing, it will cause delays in milestone achievement or stop milestone development.
From the first few days of life, you can completely change your child's future with the Movement Lesson™ Midline Evaluation and the Newborn Movement Assessment.
Often parents find me when their child is 5 to 6 months old and the child is not rolling over.
While genetic, trauma and bone structure can prevent this milestone, more often than not, the reason why the child can't rollover is that the child can't cross midline in all midline points of the body.

Movement Lesson™ is the only alternative solution that teaches parents how to recognize, evaluate, and initiate midline crossing in all parts of the body.

These points include the head, chest, spine, shoulder, elbows, hands, pelvis, knees, and feet.
If you are con
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Diagnosing CVI - 3 Tips to Working with Cortical Visual Impairment

From being deathly sick, legally blind, CVI, MR, autism, autoimmune failure, over 20 surgeries, his goal was to say ‘Mom’ at the age of 4. Tonight he was inducted into the National Honor Society. You are here thanks to him! Love 💕 son Graham.

CVI can be a complex diagnosis.   

First, you need to understand the structure of your child's eye and if you need to be working with other factors of the eye other than CVI.

Take my free course to understand more about this. Click here,  

Next, you need to understand how the eye works in relation to movement and development.

Watch my free webinar on 10 secrets of CVI, VISION AND MOVEMENT,

Last, start learning about the secrets of CVI and home solutions to working with your child's CVI and possibly their other vision challenges,


Will CVI Be Improved with Mov...

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FREE Movement Lesson™ Boot Camp

What you need to know to use Movement Lesson™ successfully at home.