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31 Parent Tips For Being Proactive in Optimal Baby Development


1.Provide a safe and stimulating environment for the baby to explore.



2. Encourage physical activity and play to promote gross motor development.



3. If your baby favors looking to one side talk to your pediatrician. It could be torticollis. Learn more in our free torticollis course. CLICK HERE 



4. Read to the baby daily to promote language and cognitive development.



5. Interact hold and play with your baby, they learn development from your movements the more you interact with them.



6. If you feel like your baby is behind in their development, get the Movement Lesson Baby Milestone Momentum Chart. CLICK HERE. 

Did you know this Firs Baby Milestone?

You think it's 'Lying Down' but it's their Absolute Horizon
For a parent to assume our development when it can be attained and manipulated by oneself and others through a cognitive process without knowing where that being has originated...
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7 Causes of Back Arching in Infants and Babies

Back arching in babies is NOT a normal part of their development. It can be a serious early warning sign of atypical development that shows the child's inability of being able to control and coordinate their movements.  

Disclaimer: This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here


7 Causes of Back Arching in Infants and Babies


1. Torticollis

Torticollis, also known as "wryneck," is a condition in which the neck is twisted and tilted to one side. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle spasms, injuries, or congenital abnormalities.


There are two types...

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10 Reasons to Start Early Movement Intervention with Your Child

You are worried about your child's development and everyone is telling you that your baby is okay, when you feel like they ARE NOT!


The reality is, you don't know whether or not you should be worried. 


That being said, while a child normally won't qualify for early intervention services until they are over 50% delayed in their development, you don't have to wait for 50% developmental delay to help your child. 


You can help your child today with Early Movement Intervention with Movement Lesson.



Here are 10 reasons to start Early Movement Intervention with your child:

  1. Early movement intervention can help identify developmental delays or disabilities on the first day you try it. Your child can be a day old, 24 months old or older. This gives you the power to give your child the developmental experiences needed and maximize your child's potential.
  2. Early movement intervention gives you the skillset you need to teach your...

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Head Lag Reflex - How Not to Put Your Child Into Sitting

Baby Sitting Myth:

Starting in month 4 (or whenever he holds his head up well and seems interested and ready), you can prop your baby up to sit with support and give him an amazing new vantage point on the world around him. Help your baby develop neck and head control by making a game of pulling him up to sit.

Baby Sitting Movement:

By the fourth month, your baby enjoys tummy time and rolling over. They can see you and others through close up and movement. They are able to visually follow, grab, and release a toy. They babble and are getting ready to grab their feet, cross midline, and go in and out of airplane position as they play on the floor. You are not even concerned with head control.
Your baby's 'head control' comes from their pelvis. As they can counter from side to side through the pelvis in tummy time. Their pelvis goes to the floor and their head rises.


Baby Sitting Developmental Warning Sign:

When a baby is on their tummy, when their...
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Baby Army Crawling Not Normal and Why Visual

Is this optimal crawling development?
NOPE, but I know how to work with it.
From day one of birth, I knew that my baby would struggle with milestone development because of the Newborn Movement Assessment.
Here my baby is 9 months old.
Rolling over would have been almost impossible for her, let alone getting into some type of crawling.
Again is this optimal crawling for her development, NO.
I am going to be told, "this is normal for babies," "yours will figure it out," "my baby did that, and he turned out fine," "all babies develop differently, this is nothing to worry about."
I have seen too many cases where all these are giving false hope to parents who have a child that really needs help with their development on a small or severe level.
The problem is that my baby looks TOO GOOD to get the help she needs for optimal development.
I don't want fine, I want the best for her development!
In this video, it...
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Babies Born in Space and Baby Development and Milestones

What would it take to have a baby born in space?

One thing is for sure, there is not the opportunity for variables in development like there is on earth.
Gravity is such an important part of how a baby develops, and it is almost completely ignored in a child's development.
Gravity seems to only come into play when a child is starting to develop scoliosis at a later age.
A child's interaction with gravity should be evaluated on the first day of life.
When this evaluation is given, a parent or professional can have the blueprint of what that child's development will look like without intervention.

Now there are two types of intervention parents have on their babies without even knowing it, the first is movement intervention and the second is movement restriction intervention.


Without knowing it, parents give their children a lot of movement restriction intervention.

This includes:...
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Are there Apps for CVI - 6 Things You Need to Know

How do you know if apps for your child's CVI are helping or hindering Your Child's visual development?

Working with a tablet can seem like the perfect idea for your child to get some visual interaction. This is the time you are working with YOUR CHILD. But just remember that, visual stimuli doesn't necessarily mean you are working on visual functions.

Here are some things to avoid or supervise when using a Ipad or tablet for Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI):


1- Does your child have binocular vision? 

Do both eyes work together? If the answer is no or sometimes, then you want to limit tablet time. This close vision with no depth perception does not bring the eyes to synchronized vision. 

2- Does your child have weak convergence? 

If so, then they also have weak binocular vision. It's impossible to work with depth perception or convergence with the tablet. If anything, it can...
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Child Has A Mild Case of CVI - 6 Things You Can Do

"The doctors believe my child's has a mild case of Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)... what can I do?"

1- Understanding your child's ophthalmologist report. 

Unfortunately with CVI. You have a tendency to hear that in your doctors conversation but nothing else. 


Get the following information:
  • You need to know your child's acuity (Power)
  • Your child's astigmatism strength and the axis of the cornea. (How your child vision is torqued)
  • Your child's visual alignment. Does your child's eye turn in, out, up, or down. This is esotropia, exotropia, hypertropia, and hypotropia. 
  • Does your child's vision improve with or without glasses.
  • Does your child's vision improve with or without patching.
  • Does your child have good eye health. Is the retina structure in good shape? This is the perfect place where the parents hear the "eyes are fine" and they think glasses vs. structure.
  • Does your child handle visual complexities? 
  • Does your child have...
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Baby Skips Crawling and 2 Types of Crawling That Are Not Normal

Baby Crawling Blog Summery

  • Essentials for Successful Crawling
  • Did your child skip crawling?
  • When do babies start crawling?
  • No matter your child's age, you can teach the system that missed milestone and completely change to the projection of your child's developmental delays fr the better. 
  • Watch our free webinar on early infant development typical and atypical warning signs.
  • Other baby crawling that is not normal and why
  • Movement Lesson™ is NOT therapy or an alternative to it.


Essentials for Successful Crawling

The act of true crawling is created from internal mechanisms of core movements. No child presents into all fours. They will transition in and out of a position that might include 'all fours' but they will not present in all fours as a static position. To work with aspects of crawling, your child needs the following:
1- They MUST be able to create a transitional milestone through weight transfer. What does that mean? They need to transition...
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Therapy Is Not Working - 3 Reasons Why

Therapy is NOT working, and you don't know why...we do.

You have spent thousands of dollars on alternative methods, your child is NOT progressing, and you don't know why...we do.
Everyone is telling you that your child's needs to get stronger to milestone...but the truth is, milestones are not performed with strength.
There are three keys to YOUR CHILD'S development that everyone is missing, and it's Preventing your child from Progressing.
#1. Something you can do RIGHT NOW is take your child to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. They may say that your child's eyes are fine, but if your child has a lazy eye, astigmatism, is nearsighted or far-sighted...GET GLASSES, and request the EXACT PRESCRIPTION for your child's eyes. DON'T WAIT for the eyes to correct themselves; most of the time, that won't happen.
#2. Teach your child Rotational Movements so they can oppose gravity versus range of motion and muscle strengthening techniques. It's easier...
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