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Instead of Asking, "How to Swaddle a Baby?" ask "Why?" and What...?"

What are the Affects Swaddling Can Have on Your Baby? Things to Consider Before Swaddling Your Baby.

  • Compounded movement deviations occur when a baby is swaddled. 
  • Swaddling becomes addictive because a baby doesn't know how to move when it is not swaddled. 
  • Determining whether a baby should be or shouldn't be swaddled, one can use the Newborn Movement Assessment™ to determine if the baby is at high risk or low risk for movement deviations (developmental milestone delays).    
  • Parents must be careful not to swaddle too much as it can cause developmental milestone delays.
  • If a child needs to be swaddled, The child needs Movement Lesson™ or some form of early intervention sooner than later. Needing to be swaddled is an early sign that negative movement deviations are already occurring in the child's system. 

Have You Ever Asked, "Should I Swaddle My Baby?"

Let's talk about swaddling. It's not about "do" or "don't do."

We have...

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Mom Approved - 6 Essential Baby Exercises

6 Essential Exercises for Movement & Milestone Development*

The purpose of these exercises is to teach you a skill set you can use in the home to initiate milestone movement patterns for your child.

You are not teaching your child to mimic a movement. You are teaching them to do transitional milestone movements. 

Transitional milestone movements are the movements that happen between milestones movements; in other words, teaching your child the necessary movement.

  • to independently get an arm off the floor and to reach (reaching),
  • to get the head off the floor and into the air (successful tummy time),
  • to go from the back to the front and the front to the back (rolling over),
  • to independently get in and out of sitting and so on.

At a minimum, take 15 minutes a day, working on each side of the body, and go through each of these exercises.

It doesn't matter if your child is an infant, baby, toddler, teen, adult, for any person to have movement success, these...

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Solutions to Headbanging, Tantrums and Meltdowns with Special Children

Children do not self-harm. A child lashing out is usually an underlying medical issues, causing emotional stress.

First, you need to rule out pain. From reflux to migraines. Special children can’t typically self soothe or communicate. Instead, they will hit or lash out.
Second, have a good thorough visual examination. Lack of functional vision can cause issues from nausea and depth perception to migraines, frustration, and fatigue.
Need guidance on how to make sure you have a successful eye appointment? Get our free PDF ,"Tips for a Successful Pediatric Ophthalmology Appointment." Click here, Click here.
Third, get a medical workup. Pseudotumor, Hernia, broken bone, are just some of the complications that can have a secondary stress for continued meltdowns.
Remember, when pain is normal or typical for your child, they can't tell you they need help. Never assume behavioral is the first and only answer.


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The 3 Stages for Healthy Child Development


“We are not built for exterior motion. We are built for interior movement. That's how our bodies make up movement.”    - Michelle Turner - 


Stage 1. Vision Development 

The first stage for childhood development is vision development. 

Suppose a child has any visual complications due to the structure of their eyes. In that case, it will change all of their movements and even cause developmental delays. 



This would include things like lack of convergence, lack of binocular vision, nystagmus, astigmatism, strabismus, and so forth.  

So, before working with a child’s movement milestone development, their functional vision must be resolved first. Then one can start working with fine and gross motor skills. 



To understand if your child has visual needs (even if you think their vision is fine, or the doctor has said, “their vision is...
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"The Eyes Are Fine" - Are the Eyes Fine?

eyes vision Dec 08, 2020
The one phrase you want to hear from your child's ophthalmology visit is your child's eyes are fine.
However, just because the structure of your child's eyes are good, doesn't mean that they have the tools needed for successful vision.
There are three key areas to be evaluated for your child's ultimate vision:
Environmental: Your child's visual surroundings can be too cluttered or complex for them to have successful vision. Like finding a needle in the haystack can be too much for them to have successful vision going from near to farsighted.
Structural: The eye is made up of several key features needed for the eyes to work. They should be examined for damage introduced by birth trauma and genetics, optic nerve damage, premature retinopathy, astigmatism, to name a few. During this time, the shape of the eye is examined for near and farsightedness.
Neurological: The brain is wired to read the information the eyes have sent them. A...
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kriah reading reading Dec 08, 2020
For the past few months, I've been working with one of my ML™ Practitioners, 
Hannah Milstein, with quite a few of her clients to help with their Hebrew studies.
Vision is very significant transferring information into three types of language/knowledge then going into English. Right to left, going into left to right. If your child has any signs of astigmatism, weak convergence, or non-binocular vision - it will show up in these studies!
First - a thorough ophthalmology visit for acuity, astigmatism, and axis diagnosis. (Download "Tips for a Successful Pediatric Ophthalmology Appointment" - CLICK HERE)
Second - developing convergence into visual arches.
Third - transferring the ocular information into the spine then the pelvis.
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What you need to know to use Movement Lesson™ successfully at home.