The goal is to wake up the brain so it can make more powerful movement changes.
The goal is to overcome limitations through the power of the brain.
Anat teaches parents and practitioners 9 Essential to overcome pain and increase vitality
Most importantly the Method created by Anat Baniel focuses on the brain's ability to change and is the heart of the body's ability to learn movement and thinking patterns.
The brain is powerful and when an easier way to create movement is shown to the brain, new neuroconnections are made and the brain goes with what is easier to create function and movement in the body.
When the body is shown how to create a movement by responding with r...
In the video below Michelle talks about the creation of reflexes, how reflexes are misidentified, and how you need rotational movements to integrate true primitive reflex responses.
A program that uses QRI harmonic laser to integrate what is believed to be infant reflexes by putting the low-level laser on acu-points and known reflex patterns.
Movement Lesson believes that reflexes are movements needed by the skeletal system to be able to go into developmental movement patterns.
To successfully integrate reflexes you need to understand where a child is at in the movement process and then start to organize the body according to that process so the body can start to naturally integrate true reflex responses.
Click the link to get our FREE GUIDE, "5 Steps to BIG SUCCESS with Movement Lesson and MILESTONE MOMENTUM >>> Start learning how to give the gif...
Have you ever been falling asleep and you almost feel like you are floating almost like you are in an upright position?
And then...
You are falling...
and WHAM!
You startle Big Time and you are back in your body in a horizontal position.
Knowing where we are at in space is Super Important.
I am not talking about in relationship to the floor, but in your relationship to gravity and your force interaction relationships.
Your body needs to know when it is, Horizontal, or Vertical whether or not I am laying on the floor or hanging in the air.
When we move, we should be building a Symbiotic Relationship With Gravity.
We experience gravity in 360 degrees. It's all around us.
That being said our balance has to be in 360 degrees.
A child shouldn't be randomly falling, (yes we may occasionally trip on things, I am not talking about that kind of falling).
Falling should...
Milestone development is not based on strength but one's ability to rotate in and through what seems like invisible space around us, but really it's gravity and the interaction our body has with gravity.
For a child what makes the stepping stone of milestone development possible is the child’s ability to successfully move in and out of each milestone independently using rotational movements.
Now I keep saying rotation.
Because, yes, you can work on muscle strengthening so a child can muscle through movements, but eventually the child will reach a point where they can’t muscle through anymore because their body is too heavy and gravity has become too much to work against.
It has nothing to do with strength.
Which is counterintuitive.
We think we just need to build more strength but movement shouldn’t take work and when it does we don’t want to do it anymore.
When you focus on putting rotation back into the system, a child will nat...
What you need to know to use Movement Lesson™ successfully at home.