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Babies Born in Space and Baby Development and Milestones

What would it take to have a baby born in space?

One thing is for sure, there is not the opportunity for variables in development like there is on earth.
Gravity is such an important part of how a baby develops, and it is almost completely ignored in a child's development.
Gravity seems to only come into play when a child is starting to develop scoliosis at a later age.
A child's interaction with gravity should be evaluated on the first day of life.
When this evaluation is given, a parent or professional can have the blueprint of what that child's development will look like without intervention.

Now there are two types of intervention parents have on their babies without even knowing it, the first is movement intervention and the second is movement restriction intervention.


Without knowing it, parents give their children a lot of movement restriction intervention.

This includes:...
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Are there Apps for CVI - 6 Things You Need to Know

How do you know if apps for your child's CVI are helping or hindering Your Child's visual development?

Working with a tablet can seem like the perfect idea for your child to get some visual interaction. This is the time you are working with YOUR CHILD. But just remember that, visual stimuli doesn't necessarily mean you are working on visual functions.

Here are some things to avoid or supervise when using a Ipad or tablet for Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI):


1- Does your child have binocular vision? 

Do both eyes work together? If the answer is no or sometimes, then you want to limit tablet time. This close vision with no depth perception does not bring the eyes to synchronized vision. 

2- Does your child have weak convergence? 

If so, then they also have weak binocular vision. It's impossible to work with depth perception or convergence with the tablet. If anything, it can...
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Child Has A Mild Case of CVI - 6 Things You Can Do

"The doctors believe my child's has a mild case of Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)... what can I do?"

1- Understanding your child's ophthalmologist report. 

Unfortunately with CVI. You have a tendency to hear that in your doctors conversation but nothing else. 


Get the following information:
  • You need to know your child's acuity (Power)
  • Your child's astigmatism strength and the axis of the cornea. (How your child vision is torqued)
  • Your child's visual alignment. Does your child's eye turn in, out, up, or down. This is esotropia, exotropia, hypertropia, and hypotropia. 
  • Does your child's vision improve with or without glasses.
  • Does your child's vision improve with or without patching.
  • Does your child have good eye health. Is the retina structure in good shape? This is the perfect place where the parents hear the "eyes are fine" and they think glasses vs. structure.
  • Does your child handle visual complexities? 
  • Does your child have...
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Baby Skips Crawling and 2 Types of Crawling That Are Not Normal

Baby Crawling Blog Summery

  • Essentials for Successful Crawling
  • Did your child skip crawling?
  • When do babies start crawling?
  • No matter your child's age, you can teach the system that missed milestone and completely change to the projection of your child's developmental delays fr the better. 
  • Watch our free webinar on early infant development typical and atypical warning signs.
  • Other baby crawling that is not normal and why
  • Movement Lesson™ is NOT therapy or an alternative to it.


Essentials for Successful Crawling

The act of true crawling is created from internal mechanisms of core movements. No child presents into all fours. They will transition in and out of a position that might include 'all fours' but they will not present in all fours as a static position. To work with aspects of crawling, your child needs the following:
1- They MUST be able to create a transitional milestone through weight transfer. What does that mean? They need to transition...
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Therapy Is Not Working - 3 Reasons Why

Therapy is NOT working, and you don't know why...we do.

You have spent thousands of dollars on alternative methods, your child is NOT progressing, and you don't know why...we do.
Everyone is telling you that your child's needs to get stronger to milestone...but the truth is, milestones are not performed with strength.
There are three keys to YOUR CHILD'S development that everyone is missing, and it's Preventing your child from Progressing.
#1. Something you can do RIGHT NOW is take your child to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. They may say that your child's eyes are fine, but if your child has a lazy eye, astigmatism, is nearsighted or far-sighted...GET GLASSES, and request the EXACT PRESCRIPTION for your child's eyes. DON'T WAIT for the eyes to correct themselves; most of the time, that won't happen.
#2. Teach your child Rotational Movements so they can oppose gravity versus range of motion and muscle strengthening techniques. It's easier...
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14 Things You Need to Know About Your Baby's Tummy Time

You want your baby to be successful with their milestones in a way that your baby experiences Milestone Momentum.

 Whether your baby is a newborn, 3 months old, 6 months old or older, tummy time is a crucial part of their development in gravity for their milestone momentum. 


Michelle Turner, Baby Accelerator, in this blog she teaches 14 things that you need to know about the ins and outs of your baby's tummy time and what that means for your child's milestone momentum. 


To a baby, there are no bad movements, but to a baby's development, there is such a thing as bad tummy time. 


There is much more to it than putting your baby on their tummy.

  • If the baby hates it, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get the nose to cross midline, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't lift their head, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get out of tummy time with out falling over by rolling over at 2.5 to 3 months...
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Signs of a Good Tummy Time

tummy time Aug 05, 2022

(Scroll to the bottom for tummy time warning signs).

People always ask me... How can you tell if a child has had good Tummy Time experience? Here is a great example of me working a healthy, five month old. Look at what I’m pointing out to you.

  1. Nose crossing midline: Does her nose cross midline when she looks from side to side?
  2. Vision: Is she able to look up and down? Side to side? Does she have visual remembrance? Can she see from near- to far-sighted? Does she work the room and back to you? She won’t have smooth vision, because she’s five month of age. She’s working around the room rather than because of her body’s movements.
  3. Floats in and out of a horizon: Does she float in a horizontal position? Can she float from horizontal to sitting position? Does she float from side to side? Look at how easy she goes in and out of any position.

How do I start TODAY to help my baby’s Milestone Momentums?

  1. Newborn Movement...
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Why a Baby Hates Tummy Time - What to Do About It

Difficulty in tummy time is an early warning sign for movement deviations.


A baby can hate tummy time because of...

  • Reflux,
  • A Heavy Head
  • Lacks Rotational Movements in the Spine and/or Pelvis
  • or a Stiff Ribcage
A baby should enjoy tummy time and have a nice sweeping of the nose back and forth as the baby is playing with movements that create functional rolling over, crawling, and walking.
If a baby's tummy time is unsuccessful for any reason it's likely the child will have difficulty in later milestones; either they will be awkward, delayed, or not happen at all.
Milestones should never be skipped, and if a baby is unable to perform those movements due to medical complications, birth trauma, or lack of movement in the body, Movement Lesson will help you put the Milestone Momentum back in your baby.

Movement Lesson is the only modality that offers milestone courses that teach you how...

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Number One Impact on Baby Development

Movement organization starts at birth when the baby comes out of the vaginal canal.


When a baby has been birth via c-section, with an epidural through the vaginal canal, or cord complications when the baby is coming out of the vaginal canal, the baby's ability to have healthy rotational responses is at risk. 


The most important factor that affects your child's development! Key things that affect your baby's developmental milestones! What to look for, what to do, birth trauma, and genetics, learn early intervention activities with Movement Lesson.


In this video I explain the creations of movement in the body and that movement's relationship to gravity. 



How a baby rolls over is a tell tale sign of their gravity and movement relationship. 


In this video, I evaluate a baby rolling over and what it means for their potential development based off of the baby's relationship with gravity. 



In an article by...

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Method by Anat Baniel vs Movement Lesson

What is the difference between the Method developed by Anat Baniel and Movement Lesson™?

Anat Baniel has focused her method on brain plasticity (neuroplasticity) and the brain's ability to make changes in movement. 


The goal is to wake up the brain so it can make more powerful movement changes.


The goal is to overcome limitations through the power of the brain.


Anat teaches parents and practitioners 9 Essential to overcome pain and increase vitality


Most importantly the Method created by Anat Baniel focuses on the brain's ability to change and is the heart of the body's ability to learn movement and thinking patterns.


ML believes that movement maps the brain, the brain cannot map movement.  


The brain is powerful and when an easier way to create movement is shown to the brain, new neuroconnections are made and the brain goes with what is easier to create function and movement in the body. 



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