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Where is my Child's Balance?! - Why Does My Child Keep Falling Over

WHERE is my Child’s BALANCE?!


Have you ever been falling asleep and you almost feel like you are floating almost like you are in an upright position? 


And then...


You are falling...






and WHAM!


You startle Big Time and you are back in your body in a horizontal position. 


Knowing where we are at in space is Super Important. 


I am not talking about in relationship to the floor, but in your relationship to gravity and your force interaction relationships. 


Your body needs to know when it is, Horizontal, or Vertical whether or not I am laying on the floor or hanging in the air.


When we move, we should be building a Symbiotic Relationship With Gravity. 


We experience gravity in 360 degrees. It's all around us. 


That being said our balance has to be in 360 degrees.


A child shouldn't be randomly falling, (yes we may occasionally trip on things, I am not talking about that kind of falling)....

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