The OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT of the body's vestibular system involves these
Vestibular Creation and Equipment
Hosted by Leading Expert in Optimal Movement Development, Michelle M. Turner
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Here's what I'll be covering in the webinar:
- Where Balance and Coordination is Thought to Come From But is Wrong
- 5 Essential Milestone Experiences Your Child Needs to Have to Establish their Internal Vestibular System
- Why the Vestibular can not be created by equipment-based stimulation
- Why Equipment is Causing More Harm Than Good to Your Child's Optimal Development if They Have a Compromised Vestibular System
The Spinning Milestones = Advancing Your Child's Vestibular System
From the age of 2 to 5, your child will venture into their spinning milestones. These are crucial for extreme adult functional movements. They include rolling down a hill, over furniture, spinning on a chair or swing, cartwheels and bicycle riding. You are taking many milestones and are adding the force of torque. If you want your child to ski, jump a wall, go to any collegiate sport, your child needs to explore this stage in their development.
Some of the early complications to this crucial stage of development stems from the child container syndrome with too much time on the tablet or phone, as it changes spacial orientation. Children with developmental delays to global delays will have difficulties with most of their senses with this stage of development.
For becoming Your Child's Optimal Movement Coach, watching this webinar a NON-NEGOTIABLE for understanding what you need to do and not do to unlock your child's Optimal Development!
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