Super Baby Bootcamp
The Movement Foundations for Functional Milestone Development
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Discover Your Child's Movement Potential Within
Development is more than your baby reaching milestones.
All you want as a parent is to see your child be independent in their movements.
Enough with the milestone talk. What it is really that makes movement happen?
For movement to be successful, three things must by in your child's system:
Weight Transfer and

Just like you wouldn't build a house without the right infrastructure, you shouldn't let your baby start their development journey without these three things: rotation, weight transfer, and counterbalance.
These three things are what make up your child's infrastructure for a stable MOVEMENT and DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION.

You are worried that your child is behind in their development and you are wondering what you can do to be proactive in helping them get back on track
You know that your child is behind in their development and you are at a loss of how to help your
You are looking for a home program to do between appointments and while waiting for test and examination results to help your child with their movement and development.
You are a Professional or Therapist and you are looking for a more effective way to help your clients develop and progress
What You Will Learn

How to Assess Your Child's Infrastructure for Movement and Development

Learn Exercises to Initiate, Stimulate and Enhance Your Child's Infrastructure

Develop Confidence in Knowing Your Child's Movement Needs and How to Help

Learn a Skill that Will Bless Your Child and Your Community for a Lifetime
For a detailed description of what's included in this course download the syllabus
Plus learn the secret to unlocking your child's movement potential
- Lifetime access to the course so you can go through it at your own pace
- Mobile App so you can learn on the go
- 7 Days of course material including step-by-step exercises you can start doing with your child immediately and seeing improved movement
- Learn how the whole body is connected and how movement restriction in the pelvis or spine completely hinders your child's development
- The more you practice the better movement results you will have with your child
The total value of the course is $770, but you won't have to pay that much.
PLUS I have some awesome bonuses to go along with this course!
Included with this course as a SPECIAL BONUS is the
Baby Milestone Bundle Package
This is what you will get...

Breathing, balance, and heart functions are essential to a child's milestone success. Make sure your child is being successful in these areas with the Breathing Course. ($130 Value - FREE)
Does your child have an aversion to food, or the child doesn't know how to eat food without compromising their breathing? Or they simply don't know how to eat. Eating is so much more than putting food in the mouth and swallowing. Speech is more than words coming out of the mouth. Learn the foundation of these functions in this course. ($200 Value - FREE)

Tummy time is where the child really starts to experience the Pubic Bone Strike. Without the Pubic Bone Strike rolling over, eating solids and walking can become awkward, difficult or even impossible for this child to experience. ($200 Value - FREE)
Rolling over is where a child's ability or inability to cross midline becomes evident. When you teach a child how to cross midline you improve their cognitive, social, and physical abilities to interact with the world around them. ($200 Value)

Crawling shouldn't be one legged, an army crawl, or static. Crawling is successful when a chid can get in and out of the all four position successfully, AND be able to crawl on all fours. Learn how to make crawling successful for your child. ($200 Value -Available 2022 - FREE)
The biggest indicator that your child is exeriencing successful milestone development is if they can transition from one skill to the next. Placing your child in sitting is not successful sitting. When your child can independenly get in and out of sitting then you know they are succeeding in the milestone. ($200 Value - FREE)

Up until now if prior milestones haven't happened successfully, this developmental milestone will be very difficult for your child or non-existent. If you want this milestone to be successful you need to make sure that all the prior milestone have been successful for your child. ($200 Value - FREE)
Constipation is no fun. At one point or another this will be a temporarly or cronic problem for your child. Learn a natrual way to help keep their bowl movements regular. So I wanted to include this a FREE BONUS just for when your child has constipation ($200 Value - FREE)

If you were to have virtual lessons or come into the office to learn the lessons in all these courses it would cost you $2300.
But you don't have to pay that much. $2300
To buy the two offers separately would cost you $496.
But you don't have to pay that much either. $496
On this page only you can get both offers for ONLY $297
The key to success is giving your time and spending one-on-one time with your child learning and applying the Movement Lesson™ Touch and Techniques.
Why Can't My Baby Breastfeed?
Baby Not Breastfeeding
Video Transcript for Breastfeeding Solutions
When it's all said and done, you will learn that there are secret baby milestones that need to happen before a milestone like tummy time can happen.
With the Super Baby Bootcamp and the Baby Mileston Bundle Package, you will learn what these secrets milestones are.
REMEMBER that you have a 14-day money-back guarantee if you have done the baby milestone course and practiced the exercises with your child and you saw no results.
The biggest thing you need is solutions on how to help your child develop, succeed, possibly become independent, move better, think better, and communicate better.
When you feel stuck you can always ask questions on the Facebook Group: Movement Lesson For Parents and Practitioners. You are not alone when it comes to figuring out your child's needs. Post a video of your child, tell me the courses you have, and I can give you guidance on how to use these courses more effectively for your child.

Let's Review Everything You Will Get
Super Baby Bootcamp + Baby Milestone Package
If you were to have virtual lessons or come into the office to learn the lessons in all these courses it would cost you $2300.
But you don't have to pay that much. $2300
To buy the two offers separately would cost you $496.
But you don't have to pay that much either. $496
On this page only you can get both offers for ONLY $297