Movement Lesson™ Cranial Series
Home-based program for Movement and Milestone Development.
*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here.
Are you discouraged with the results of the current therapy or training program your child is in? Are you looking for a Home-based Program that will help increase your special child's or athlete's movements and abilities?
I have the perfect solution, and you don't have to be a therapist to use this program. Many do know the roll he head plays in allowing the body to manifest simple to advanced movement abilities. Most turn to strength based exercise to increase ones skills and abilities, but there is a more efficient way to do this without spending hours in therapy or at the gym to increase one's muscle mass.

All major developmental movements should occur in the head before the fontanelles of the head (soft spot area) fuses.
If this doesn't happen is it too late to initiate developmental movements in the body? No. But if your child is is experiencing delays in their milestone development, or you have a child who skipped some milestones, or a person who is awkward in their movements this could be one reason why.
Have Complete Satisfaction with Your Movement Lesson™ Home Program or Your Money Back
You will be thrilled with the progress your child makes while going through this course.
It's something you can do over and over again to continually enhance one's movement abilities
You do not have to be a certified therapist to apply the techniques outlined in this course. The step-by-step courses are that easy.
If you consult your doctor and they don't recommend that you use the laser on your child, the cranial courses are available without the laser.
You have 14 days from the time that you receive your laser and workbooks to request a refund.
At your own expense you will need to return the laser and work books. When everything is returned undamaged, you will be issued a full refund.
Other Frequently Asked Questions with
and without Laser Application
Questions Parents Are Asking