$39.99 USD

Independent Sitting

Become a proactive parent in your child's optimal development! Use this handy checklist to see if the Movement Lesson Independent Sitting Course ticks all your boxes:

What you'll get:

✅ Conquer Independent Sitting Woes:

  • Ditch the tears and frustration: Learn the Movement Lesson™ Touch, a gentle technique that teaches babies how to have independent sitting movement experiences from the inside out. 
  • Unlock the experiences of optimal milestones: Master independent sitting movements with expert guidance and watch your baby progress in a variety of ways from development to fine and gross motor skills to independent skills to social skills to improved language and communication to improved cognitive comprehension to improved functional vision and more!
  • Boost body coordination and brain optimization: Independent sitting isn't just about physical milestones; it's the mathematical movement experiences of independent sitting that allow for optimal functioning in the body, muscles, brain, sensory senses, and so much more! 

✅ Build Confidence as a Parent:

  • Feel empowered, not clueless: Gain expert knowledge about infant development and the importance of independent sitting. No more googling in desperation!
  • Become your baby's Optimal Development Caregiver: Learn exercises and activities that put independent sitting experiences in the body, even if your child can't physically perform independent sitting. When your child gets the mathematical movement experiences of independent sitting, they gain the ability to interact with you in a more fun and engaging way that strengthens your bond and creates lasting memories.
  • Say goodbye to mommy/daddy guilt: Understand that independent sitting challenges should not be normal. Learn how to immediately evaluate the quality of your child's independent sitting movements, optimize them, and watch your child's movements optimize before your very eyes. This course helps you to know how to help your child and to make your time with them count.  

  ✅ Enjoy Additional Perks:

  • Supportive community: Connect with other parents on the same journey in the Movement Lesson Facebook group, and share experiences, tips, and encouragement.
  • Free bonus materials: Get access to helpful handouts, checklists, and printable trackers to monitor your baby's progress.