Full Optimal Development Movement Evaluation
by Michelle Turner, Leading Expert Milestones and Optimal Development
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Do you want to know what is preventing your child from creating milestone movements?
This evaluation will give you insights into your child's movement patterns that you didn't even know existed. A developmental milestone like tummy time, rolling over, crawling, standing or walking, is the end result of a movement process. If your child is struggling to achieve a developmental milestone result, then there is an issue with their movement process. This evaluation is meant to help you understand the issues within your child's movement process, and then give you direction on what you can do about it.
What will a Full Optimal DevelopmentMovement Evaluation tell me?
Assessment includes:
- I will give you a break down of left and right vision through my Diamond Scale Functional Vision Assessment,
- Full breakdown of his body's rotational midline goals.
- Review of Life Functions, Visual Functions, Pelvic and Spine Structure review,
- Individual Education Program input and
- Review Functional movement concerns and goals.

What does a Full Movement Evaluation Look like?
- You will be responsible for filling out an in-take form about your child's developmental development
- Google drive folder containing 5 videos (approximately 12 minutes) of your child. These videos must contain vision, speech/feeding skills, 3 movement/play skills. Email the folder link to [email protected] (video guidelines will be emailed to you upon purchasing the service)
- Michelle will go over your videos, via screen record. Session will also include her personal, Movement Lesson™ review and reproach. The file will be privately posted back into the shared Google drive folder explaining your child's movement needs.
How will I implement what I learn from this evaluation?
The purpose of this movement evaluation is to give you a plan on how to help your child.
- Along with your returned video assessment, Michelle will give you 3 things you need to do with your child for the next two weeks.
- Two to three weeks, varies from implementation and scheduling from this time you will have a scheduled zoom consultation with Michelle where you will receive further guidance on how to help your child's movement development.
How much does it cost and what's included in the assessment?
The full evaluation costs $1000 USD
-1 Video review of your child which includes:
I will give you a break down of left and right vision through my Diamond Scale Functional Vision Assessment,
Full breakdown of his body's rotational midline goals.
Review of Life Functions, Visual Functions, Pelvic and Spine Structure review,
Individual Education Program input and
Review Functional movement concerns and goals.