Learn How to Breathe

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Breathing is the first developmental milestone that actually happens at birth.

Your bones are meant to be subluxed, and so as the baby is coming out, this is the baby's first exposure to gravity.

So imagine if you had a balloon; a cold balloon from cold temperature going into hot temperature. Just that expansion of helium creates that "whoosh" which what happens with the parietal bones.

As the parietal bones hit gravity an extension happens. This extension brings out the neck, the shoulders, and all of that.

With this first articulation of the skeletal bones, it goes against gravity. At the same time, cavitation happens as the pallet is pulled up, which creates a cavity in the mouth that pulls on the tongue (this is where the ability to suck is initiated).

So just like the cavitation that occurs when that champagne cork comes off the bottle and there is all that foam and expansion, when the tongue pops and all the nitrogen, oxygen, carbon release and into that lungs, an expansion occurs, and the baby takes its first breath. 

So there's an expansion of the inner lungs, as well as, a draw of the breath, and that's where the epidermis and the intercostal muscles between the ribs create muscle tonus.

If those ribs do not expand from the inside out from the outside in, that snap or that cavitation initiating the child's first breath. If that doesn't happen, a child will have muscle tonus issues, either for low tone or high tone.

If your child did not get this at birth due to complications or a c-section you can do the breathing course. This FREE Breathing Course teaches you, step by step, how to initiate this type of breathing that should have happened at birth. Click here to access the course.   


Teach yourself how to breathe better, with this self-care course. Click here.