Optimal Development In Tummy Time Has Less To Do With The Performance And More To Do With The Experience!

This FREE 3-Day Course, Teaches You How To:

  • For children 0 days old to 18-years-old
  • Takes the "worry" out of parenting and puts the power of your child's development back into your hands
  • Learn the Movement Lesson™ Touch
  • What is Tummy Time? 
  • Understanding and Establishing Tummy Time
  • Tummy Time and Reflux
  • Propping in Tummy Time
  • Tummy Time and Rolling Over
  • What NOT TO DO in Tummy Time
  • Facebook Group for 3-Day Course

The Tummy Time Experience Needed for Optimal Development 

February 22 - 24, 2023

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Free course goes from February 22-24, 2023

Facebook Group Included!


Your Child's Milestone Experiences Are More Important Than Their Milestone Performances.


You can go to any other therapy or alternative modality and they will focus on making your child "perform" milestones. The goal is to bring movement to the conscious level and that's where everyone gets it wrong.


Yes, you can have progress, but so much energy is going into movement that Your Child's Optimal Developmental Potential is Never Realized! That's not right or fair to your child. Every Child, YOUR CHILD DESERVES OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCES


The key to Your Child's Optimal Development and Daily Progression is by keeping movement in the subconscious. More than milestone performances, you need Your Child to have Typical Milestone Experiences through the subconscious.


Movement Lesson™ is the only modality that teaches you how to Intentionally Offer milestone experiences to your child at a subconscious level no matter their diagnosis or the lack of one.  

The Tummy Time Experience Needed for Optimal Development 

February 22 - 24, 2023

We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

Taking the "worry" out of parenting and putting the power of your child's development back into your hands!