All the tools you need to help you and your child with Cerebral Palsy CP
From the NICU to Home, evaluating the beginning symptoms, to hands on around your diagnosis with Movement Lesson™!
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Start Here: Free Guide!
Detecting neurological and environmental movement disorders in babies, as seen with cerebral palsy as early as possible, is essential to providing the best possible care and support for your baby. Movement Lesson™ is one of the best techniques to help parents and professionals to detect movement disorders in babies with cerebral palsy.
We know that you and your baby had birth trauma. Now it's time to do something that benefits the both of you.
Cerebral Palsy, High-Tone & Optimal Development
by Movement Lesson™
Designed to help parents and caregivers understand the importance of early detection of cerebral palsy and optimal child development
Start the Course with MichelleComplete Course Series
High-Tone Optimal Development Jump Start Program
by Movement Lesson™
Designed for parents and professionals who need all the tools necessary to help their child with optimal development and cerebral palsy. You get our Cerebral Palsy & Optimal Development, Super Baby Boot Camp, and Primitive Reflex Movements.
(You do not need to be a certified Movement Lesson™ Practitioner to get certification in this course)
Start the Course with Michelle
We take the 'Wait and See' out of Parenting
Our comprehensive training program covers the basics to highly trained practitioners. We have everything you need to better understand your current situation: from milestone momentum, vision, and cognition and help you plan for the future.