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14 Rolling Over Warning Signs - Typical vs. Atypical Baby Development in Rolling Over

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😳YOU'RE CONCERNED that your baby Isn't Rolling Over Yet and everyone is telling you, "It's okay, nothing is wrong with your baby, every baby develops differently."πŸ€”
😳😳You know that everything is NOT OKAY, and you don't know what to do about it.
You're asking yourself, "WHY?!" 🀦‍♀️ 🀦 🀦‍♂️
You're thinking, "I did everything right."
"I didn't swaddle much."
"I play with my baby, and it's like my kid is NOT GETTING IT! WHY?"

You have a right to be concerned.

ALWAYS talk to your doctor about your concerns for your baby.
But when you are getting the "Wait and See" approach ⌚, then you need more options.
You have tried all the therapy and alternative therapy options and You Are Out of options. What else could there...
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