FREE Parent Plan Workshops - The Ultimate Parent Plan for Your Child's Development - CLICK HERE

3 Ways to Make Time for Learning Child Development

Making time for learning is essential for personal growth and development. Here are three ways to prioritize and create time for learning:

  1. Set specific goals and prioritize: Define your learning goals and identify the areas of knowledge or skills you want to develop. Once you have clarity on what you want to learn, prioritize those goals and make them a part of your schedule. Assess your daily or weekly commitments and identify time slots that can be dedicated to learning. It could be early mornings, evenings, weekends, or even small pockets of time during the day. By consciously prioritizing learning, you are more likely to carve out dedicated time for it.

  2. Create a learning routine: Establish a consistent learning routine to help integrate learning into your daily life. Designate specific times for learning activities, whether it's reading a book, taking an online course, watching educational videos, or practicing a new skill. By creating a routine, you create a habit that...

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31 Parent Tips For Being Proactive in Optimal Baby Development


1.Provide a safe and stimulating environment for the baby to explore.



2. Encourage physical activity and play to promote gross motor development.



3. If your baby favors looking to one side talk to your pediatrician. It could be torticollis. Learn more in our free torticollis course. CLICK HERE 



4. Read to the baby daily to promote language and cognitive development.



5. Interact hold and play with your baby, they learn development from your movements the more you interact with them.



6. If you feel like your baby is behind in their development, get the Movement Lesson Baby Milestone Momentum Chart. CLICK HERE. 

Did you know this Firs Baby Milestone?

You think it's 'Lying Down' but it's their Absolute Horizon
For a parent to assume our development when it can be attained and manipulated by oneself and others through a cognitive process without knowing where that being has originated...
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FREE Movement Lesson™ Boot Camp

What you need to know to use Movement Lesson™ successfully at home.