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Unveiling the 9 Secrets of Infant Movement: Gravitational Primitive Reflexes

Gravitational Primitive Reflexes - the missing link to understanding primitive reflexes.

Delve into the groundbreaking world of Gravitational Primitive Reflexes – a revolutionary concept pioneered by Michelle Turner of Movement Lesson. Explore how these automated responses to gravity shape a baby's physical and cognitive development, from breathing to walking.
Discover how the 8 essential Gravitational Primitive Reflexes, identified through Michelle's innovative rotational stimulation techniques, pave the way for optimal growth and cognitive advancement.
Learn about:
  • 1. The Fetal Neutral Reflex - the foundation for in-utero growth.


  • 2. The Breathing Reflex - establishing the body's ability to resist gravity and facilitating neurological integration.


  • 3. The Absolute Horizon Reflex - regulating gravity's influence for spatial awareness.


  • 4. The Airplane Reflex - This is not covered in my presentation, but you can learn more abo...
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How to Know What's Best for Your Baby's Development

It's a universally accepted truth that parents want the best for their children. This is why you are here. As your baby grows, you may find yourself examining each little gesture, movement, and sound, wondering if they're on track. We're here to tell you about the profound impact of movement lessons on a child's development and how, as a parent, you can employ them to ensure your baby reaches their optimal potential.

1. Understanding the Importance of Movement:

From the moment they are born, babies are learning about the world through their senses and movements. These movements, no matter how subtle, are the building blocks of future milestones like sitting, crawling, and walking. When a movement is not optimal, your baby is still calculating all their development around those movements too!

2. Addressing Developmental Concerns Early:

If you have concerns about your baby's developmental milestones, it's crucial to address them early. By incorpo...
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What to Do If Your Baby Isn't Reaching Their Developmental Milestones?

If you suspect your baby might have delayed milestones, taking proactive steps can make a significant difference:

  1. Consult a Pediatrician: Schedule regular well-baby check-ups and express your concerns to your pediatrician.
  2. Early Intervention Services: These services provide specialized support to address developmental delays.
  3. Occupational and Physical Therapy: These therapies can aid in motor skill development.
  4. Speech-Language Therapy: Vital for addressing communication delays and disorders.
  5. Create a Stimulating Environment: Offer age-appropriate toys, games, and activities to encourage exploration and learning.
  6. Read and Communicate: Engage in reading and talking to stimulate language development.
  7. Play and Interaction: Encourage playtime with you and other children to foster social skills.
  8. Nutrition and Health: Ensure a balanced diet and address any underlying health concerns.
  9. Start giving your child lessons in movement: You are your child's ultimate advocate and movement co
  10. ...
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3 Ways to Make Time for Learning Child Development

Making time for learning is essential for personal growth and development. Here are three ways to prioritize and create time for learning:

  1. Set specific goals and prioritize: Define your learning goals and identify the areas of knowledge or skills you want to develop. Once you have clarity on what you want to learn, prioritize those goals and make them a part of your schedule. Assess your daily or weekly commitments and identify time slots that can be dedicated to learning. It could be early mornings, evenings, weekends, or even small pockets of time during the day. By consciously prioritizing learning, you are more likely to carve out dedicated time for it.

  2. Create a learning routine: Establish a consistent learning routine to help integrate learning into your daily life. Designate specific times for learning activities, whether it's reading a book, taking an online course, watching educational videos, or practicing a new skill. By creating a routine, you create a habit that m

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Every Child Deserves to Experience Development

As parents, we all want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their development.


AGAIN, Every Child Deserves to Experience Development


However, seeing our babies struggling with reaching their milestones can be a source of worry and anxiety. The good news is that every child deserves to experience development in their own unique way. In this blog post, we will address parents' concerns about their baby's milestones and offer insights on how to support their optimal development journey.


  • Understanding Developmental Challenges: Developmental challenges can manifest in different ways, such as hypertonia or hypotonia. These symptoms may indicate a larger issue at play, even if it is not yet fully understood. It's crucial for parents to recognize that these challenges do not define their child's potential or future. By acknowledging and seeking support, parents can take proactive steps towards unlocking their child's true capabilities.


  • Embracing a Ho
  • ...
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31 Parent Tips For Being Proactive in Optimal Baby Development


1.Provide a safe and stimulating environment for the baby to explore.



2. Encourage physical activity and play to promote gross motor development.



3. If your baby favors looking to one side talk to your pediatrician. It could be torticollis. Learn more in our free torticollis course. CLICK HERE 



4. Read to the baby daily to promote language and cognitive development.



5. Interact hold and play with your baby, they learn development from your movements the more you interact with them.



6. If you feel like your baby is behind in their development, get the Movement Lesson Baby Milestone Momentum Chart. CLICK HERE. 

Did you know this Firs Baby Milestone?

You think it's 'Lying Down' but it's their Absolute Horizon
For a parent to assume our development when it can be attained and manipulated by oneself and others through a cognitive process without knowing where that being has originated through movements contained in ones birth and developme...
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Learn the NUMBER ONE factor that affects baby's development! Support healthy brain growth.


What EXACTLY does your child need?

You want movement!
You want progression!
And that is Exactly what Movement Lesson offers, Progression which equals Milestone Momentum.
It’s the case for many of our kiddos that they are not doing a movement or milestone because their body literally DOES NOT KNOW HOW.

Movement that was stuck and impossible we need to unstuck so movement can Be Possible.

You don’t have to be a pro at this to Create Movement Possibilities for your child.
It only takes One Determined mom, dad, caregiver, or professional to put in the time to get AMAZING RESULTS.
Every Day it’s my goal to see progression in my children’s movement and abilities.
I have six children, and I work on All Of Them!
I assess, know exactly where I need it to work to Make The Most Difference, I work on my kids for 10-20-30 minutes (depending on how long they will let me), and off to the next kid.
And I try to work on my kids in EVERY SITUATION!
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Are you in "wait and see" mode?

*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here

Is your child past the age they "should be" manifesting milestones like crawling, walking, talking and you are wondering and "when will it happen?" or you are even asking yourself if milestones will even happen for your child.

If this is the case your child is already experiencing compound movement deviations and their development is delayed. The developmental delay might not be news to you, but what is Compound Movement Deviations?
From day one of birth, you can determine if a child is going to have compound movement deviations based on the rotation in or not in their system.
Many p
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Are you tired of the milestone talk?


*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here

A Better Way to Determine Developmental Success

Instead of a piece of paper that lists a child's age and the milestones they are supposed to be accomplishing. Wouldn't you rather have a way to measure your child's movement successes and what that means for their development?
Do you find your life slowly deviating from the lives of your peers as their children progress and yours does not?
Have you asked yourself any of these questions?
"Why can't my child move?"
"Why can't he/she roll over, crawl, walk, eat solids, talk?"
"What more can I do? I will do anything."
Instead of looking a
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FREE Movement Lesson™ Boot Camp

What you need to know to use Movement Lesson™ successfully at home.