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Vibration Machines for Special Needs Development - Do they help?

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Vibration Machines and Milestones

We all want our special children to create vertical milestones and other milestones, whether it's cerebral palsy, autism, or any other diagnosis. 

Who wouldn't want our child to walk?

Many go to a vibration machine. Why? I'm still struggling with the answer to that.

Yes, you will see a static pose of what looks like standing; however, the vibration machine creates non-functional movements.

Not only does this process engage muscles, not needed in standing, to fire - but they can't turn off.

Just WATCH this video.

Yes, it's cool to show the sand jump into immediate patterns.

Did you know your body doesn't create or function with these movements of shapes in our bodies?

You cannot take abstract movements to replace transitional movements.

The body thrives off of functional movements to create infant developmental movement patterns

Vibration Plates do not work with transitional movements nor do they create milestones

Every now and then people ask me about various tools to help their child. 

The key to achieving any milestone 

First, you need to create the transitional movement as your first step. For successful movements, a baby, infant, toddler, child, needs to be able to transition from the previous milestone into their new one.
It's not about rolling over, it's your baby's ability to transition from their back to the belly, belly to their back, from the right, and to the left.
They should be able to achieve the same action in all directions as they move in and out of position.
Second, there are several things that can impede a transitioning skill. 
  • Vision, uneven use of the eyes can interfere with a baby's ability to respond equally to the left and right. Especially if the eye is out to alignment (esotropia, exotropia). 
  • Head shape, can slow down a child's response to the point they are picking up their head rather than rolling it. This will cause a child to use muscles too early in their development. 
  • Muscles, the ability to create transitioning skills is the movement of going from active and passive muscle responses. A child who is committing to all active or passive muscles is limited or unable to perform transitions in movement.
When a child has neuromuscular responses, it's not that they are strong or weak, they can't transition in and out of position.
These are tools that I used with my son Graham.
He had issues with all three which include server hypotonia.
He was legally blind and wasn't going to walk or talk.
I learn I couldn't make him 'stronger' so I created greater ease of transitional skills.

All developmental milestones and transitioning skills are not performed with strength, they a done with weight transfer and must include rotational skills.

When you put certain frequencies to a living system, you get the opposite of this, a geometric response that freezes the body.
You might have a child on a vibration plate, and you see a child in a static position and feel it's a great accomplishment, they are getting stronger, or both.
However, you can see by these videos, they are frozen into a position and it is not working with their ability to move or create movement.
Learning to approach and improve your child's ability to transition to their next milestone should be your first goal.


Vibration Plates Does Not Create the Movement You Want to Initiate Your Baby's / Child's Developmental Milestones

Vibration does cause movement but most don’t cause functional movements. Freezing muscles into a static configuration does not cause functional strength. It causes static, linear positioning. The human body has no linear movements so don’t create it with external processing

Better Solutions to Create Vertical Milestones

Watch my free webinar "3 Keys to Milestone and Movement Success". 

In this webinar, you will learn 3 key foundational movements that set up the body for all other movements. 

CLICK HERE to watch. 


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