Pelvis Function and Movement
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The Pelvis and Functional Movement
Although we'll be getting into the troubleshooting and working with the structure of the pelvis in later trainings, you need to understand your child's architecture.
Click here to see training calendar.
This is their foundation for all developmental milestones and transitional skills.
Please note: These x-rays are being read for movement. This is not a medical assessment.
Typical Hips: In the first photo you see the development of a full hip socket, the femur (thigh bone) angles at @125 degrees to form an 'arch' or structure of standing. The ischium (sit bones) form a complete loop.
Asymmetrical Hips: In the second photo are Namita Mehta son's hip x-rays.
They were told the hips were unremarkable.
However, there was no indication of the lack of arch in the femur, indicating Coxa Valga.
There is no noting of the ischium being incomplete which they are incomplete as you can see in the x-ray.
In general, professionals note that these should complete by the age of 7, however, that is less certain with cerebral palsy.
Sitting will be very difficult as the bones can poke into the gluteus maximus.
To learn more about a full movement evaluation,
click here.
Movement conversations need to be had with the child's neurologist, orthopedist, and their therapy team.
Conversations need to be had so that you understand how the hip structure affects development, cognitive, and milestone movements.
Movement redirections needed to be considered for the following milestones:
- Coming to sitting
- Independent sitting
- Coming to All Fours
- Crawling
- Coming to Standing
- Standing and Walking
Movement redirections needed to be considered for the following visual milestones:
- Active/passive or near to farsighted and back again
- peripheral vision
- visual arches
To improve hip movements and your child's movement development, take the hip course. It's great for just working on the hips, or for anyone how has had or is going to have surgery, it's a great pre and post-surgery care plan. Click Here to Access Course.